DuO 1 - Longest Part

Yoshga oid cheklov

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DuO 1 - Longest part is the first in a growing family of DuO games. It´s a logic game in the same spirit as the paper version of Minesweeper & Lighthouses. Your goal is to fill the board with pieces in two colors. To your aid, you have clues that tell you how many pieces in the same color that are connected. There are a few more rules, but we walk you through them when you start playing the game. Use logic deduction to get clues and the rules to fit together. DuO is a tricky game where you never need to guess any part of the solution. It’s all logic and can be solved step by step.

If you do not want to invest in the paid version just yet, but want to try first, there is also a free version that contains a sample of 64 puzzles in 4 sizes 5x5 - 8x8. The free version lacks the slightly more difficult bonus puzzles that have some more rules.

The paid version has 1248 puzzles in 4 different sizes, from 5x5 to 8x8, including bonus puzzles.

The game includes both a Swedish and an English version.
Oxirgi yangilanish
31-avg, 2023

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