Chill With Marron

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100 ming+
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-Update Details
--Added Monthly ranking [Like]
--Added Gift Box.
--Added new data transfer feature.

Kick back and enjoy a lazy day with relaxing puzzles and cuddly cats!

Your furry friends will request things from you.
Clear puzzles to earn coins and buy things to make them happy.
A happy kitten makes for a happy home!
This adorable little game is a great way to take a breather and unwind.

★ Special Features:

The difficulty is fined-tuned to be challenging but not frustrating. Play lots without getting tired!
◆ Your cats will get lonely if you ignore them for puzzles. Can you really resist those big, shiny eyes?
◆ Make your kitties happy to fill up the Heart Gauge, and buy new rooms with the Hearts you collect.
Tons of unique locations and colorful kittens to choose from.
◆ Pretty up your cats with all kinds of cute accessories.
◆ Get the Lucky Cat item to start up Bonus Time for 3x the coin rewards for solving puzzles. Save up coins and make your cats the happiest they can be!
Oxirgi yangilanish
8-sen, 2024

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