Scary Factory: Horror Escape 1

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500 ming+
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Welcome to the playground of the big scary toy factory: a scary horror survival simulator game where many scary monsters led by the blue monster and evil toys are waiting for you And someone is waiting for you too... Explore and find out secrets while enjoying a scary time & funtime!
After being triggered to enter and explore the scary big toy factory, you will enter the unknown and unexplored word of big blue monster and pinky monster long legs evil toys: a squad of huge, terrifying blue, pink, yellow and green long legs evil toys with intimidating eyes, long legs, big red lips and lengthy arms, who were the results of previous experiments inside the scary toy factory. Come to play this funtime puzzle survival horror game and enjoy your horror funtime by trying to escape from various dangers like the blue monster and exploring and progressing forward in the big scary toy factory buildings and solving horror puzzles. From time to time, some long legs villains led by the blue monster and evil toys will try to chase and catch you for unknown reasons, you better run and don’t get caught for survival: use the weapons you found and enjoy your horror funtime in the big scary toy factory.
To help you survive, you might need to look around for any kind of weapons that you may find in the big toy factory buildings. As you progress forward, any kind of threat from blue monster or other evil toys may arise. So, always be on alert and ready to properly react. In this part 1 of the horrific horror escape survival simulator, you will have to hide, run, solve puzzles and dodge obstacles and find your way through the big scary toy factory: Enjoy a pure moment of amazing funtime of this unique gameplay full of hidden horror secrets and long legs surprises!
- Easy to play
- High-quality Graphics and sound effects
- Step by step increasing difficulty throught the game
- Amazing blue monster & evil toys chases in this horror funtime game simulator
Are you a lover of horror games in the toy factory? Go Hide and Seek, Explore and enjoy your funtime Now!
Oxirgi yangilanish
3-may, 2024

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