Mow it: Harvest & Mowing games

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1 mln+
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🚜 Mow it is a colorful idle grass cutter simulator where you will have a farm and your own harvester at your disposal. You need to cut the grass, sell colorful harvest and move to new levels. Cutting grass like a real farmer and earn money in this colorful and fun game!

👩‍🌾 Features of Mow it game:
1. Grass cutting gameplay, in which the player's income directly depends on the decisions made. Develop your own strategies and cut the grass like a pro!

2. Colorful graphics in the mowing games. Even the grass, for which the player will need a mower, will surprise you with a variety of bright colors. Play and enjoy the beauty!

3. Game farm is a space where there are no restrictions. For example, you can improve the harvester. With each new level, the player will have access to more and more various improvements for better cutting grass and collecting harvest.

4. Management is so simple and clear that both a child and an adult can understand it. Just one touch and the mowing games obey you.

5. Find all the secret grasshoppers in this combine simulator. Each grasshopper will give you a bonus.

6. This is a mowing simulator that will help you relax after a busy day and relax both your mind and body. An excellent choice for those who do not want to deal with the plot of the game for a long time and memorize complex rules.

🎮 How to play Mow it?
In front of you is a spacious farm, a harvester that is easy to operate and a lot of colored grass. Your task is to cut the grass, earn reward and improve the characteristics of your equipment in order to improve your performance in the incremental games. With each new level, the player will have access to new harvest, where more and more space is waiting for work. The mower will also become your faithful assistant on the way to new gaming achievements. Cutting grass can be really fun!

Fill the cart with hay and once it's full, you can go to the market and sell all the contents. This is how you can earn your play money. You can upgrade equipment on them (increase size, speed, power) or develop a farm. There is enough work for everyone on the mowing games!

Install the idle grass cutter game right now, enjoy the colorful game process and cut the grass like a real farmer!

Mow it game is designed for fans of colorful design and incremental game. The player will have his own farm and it depends only on him how successful it will be and how many sales of harvest there will be. The proceeds will help in the development of the farm and in improving equipment.

Combine and mower are your surest tools for making money online in the cutting grass game. The farm tycoon games will captivate even the most demanding players from the first seconds. Install the idle grass cutter game on your smartphone and experience the exciting game world of the incremental games.
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-avg, 2024

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