Bricks Ball Crusher

Reklamalar mavjudIlova ichida xaridlar
585 ming ta sharh
10 mln+
Yoshga oid cheklov

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Welcome to “Bricks Ball Crusher”! Bricks Ball Crusher is a classic brick game popular all over the world.

As one of the world's top brick games, Bricks Ball Crusher will provide you with infinite fun. The game contains tens of thousands of well-designed levels and over 200 skill blocks and skill balls for you to explore, as well as different challenge modes, such as "lifesaving mode". What are you waiting for? Try to use the powerful skill ball to aim at and shoot bricks, to experience the magical elimination world.

In the process of playing Bricks Ball Crusher, you can unlock various mysterious skill balls with levels upgrading, discover more hidden playing methods, and even participate in the design of your own unique level to enjoy creation with other global players. If you need a casual game to kill time and relieve pressure, come to Bricks Ball Crusher to eliminate troubles and create happiness!

Introduction to normal mode:
-The ball will fly in any direction you touch
-Find the best position and angle to hit each brick
-Complete the mission by breaking bricks on the screen
-When breaking bricks, never let them touch the bottom

Introduction to rescue mode:
In the interesting and challenging rescue theme, the character is stranded, and you need to break bricks to help him escape. Don't worry, as we have many skill balls and props that can help you get over obstacles and pass difficult levels. Try to use different shooting skills and strategies to break the bricks as quickly as possible to help the character get away.

-Free play
-Smooth and accurate aiming
-10000 + levels
-Superb physical playing method experience
-More than 200 skill balls and skill blocks
-Support offline (no Internet access) games
-Support multiplayer games
-Support achievements and leader boards
-Support subscription

Download Bricks Ball Crusher now, enjoy this fun offline game anywhere, anytime, and compete with friends all over the world!
Oxirgi yangilanish
31-okt, 2024

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We update the app regularly so we can make it better for you.we offer new play Mode,Have a fun!