Music Finder: Song Recognition

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Find for free the music that you are listening with your phone thanks to this application. With this free app you will get a suggestion of what song are you listening.

It's a lightweight and free music recognition application. Tap the icon and the app will reveal you what is the song is now playing.

Simply press the button and the application will start recognize for free what the music is sounding and will detect that song. Totally useful when your are on a bar, pub or disco and you don't know what is the song you are listening.

This amazing music finder has an edge panel or widget for your Samsung Galaxy Edge. Supports this widget via edge settings for your Samsung S, S+ and Note.

It requires an Internet connection to online search all the music and microphone permission for the recognition (please, don't forget to grant the mic permission, or the app will not work!).

Now you can listen recognized music directly on YouTube and Apple Music!
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-dek, 2024

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