This app displays music themes or visualizer on your phone's navigation bar or status bar while you are listening to your favorite track or running your apps.
View visualization effects, their settings & your created effects on main screen.
App Features :
- Visualization effects :
-- Ready to use music visualizer designs available that can be directly be used as floating music visualizer.
- Customize Effects :
-- Create your own music visualizer.
-- Edit music visualizer with choice of colors, width & height or music visualizer, also gap between two equalizer effect and adjust the transparency of the visualizer.
- Visualizer settings :
-- Position : Set position of music visualizer to top position, bottom position or custom position (Vertical / Horizontal).
-- Select Music Players : Choose your fav players from your device apps that will use this music visualizer.
-- Show on apps : Select apps where visualizer will run while running that particular apps.
- My effects
- View your created music visualizer and use it any time.
Permissions :
1. RECORD_AUDIO, MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS :We need this permission for get music bits and show visualizer according to playing music.
2. SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW : We need this permission to Show visualizer effect on device using overlay.
3. QUERY_ALL_PACKAGES : We need this permission to retrieve Application list and allow user to select App for Music visualizer effect.
4. PACKAGE_USAGE_STATS : We need this permission to check which app user currently use and show visualizer effect according to that on selected apps.
5. BIND_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SERVICE : We need this permission for music player app to access play/pause and stop status and show effect accordingly.
Oxirgi yangilanish
21-sen, 2023