Baby Games: 2-4 year old Kids

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Free kids games with colorful graphics, cute animals, and various backgrounds, help your baby develop matching, tactile and fine motor skills while playing in 6 categories – farm, home, sea, forest, pole & south.

The baby games include animations, pronunciations, cheerful backgrounds, and interactivity for easy learning. It will teach your kids all animals which is a basic toddler educational program!

- Simple & intuitive child-friendly interface
- Vivid high quality pictures
- Positive and pleasant feedback for each action your kid makes - sounds and effects
- Large pieces, easy for children to tap
- Child safe buttons to prevent accidental entry to parent related pages
- One of the best baby games for logic and motor skills development

"Find and tap" uses a set of funny, bright, clearly recognizable pictures of various animals. The question on each picture is spoken by the speaker, in case of an incorrect answer, the explanation and the repetition of the question are stated. It is possible to work without voice acting (the parent teaches names from the screen). Develops visual and auditory perception, memory, motility and understanding of cause and effect communication. In addition, the developing game "Find and tap" will help your child learn the words even faster.The toddler learning game"Find and tap" is specially designed for children from 1 years old. Your baby can easily figure out the game, just watching what's happening on the screen. Even if the kid does not recognize the pictures, the program will surely distract him from crying.
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-avg, 2023

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