Ultimate Fighting

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1 mln+
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Ultimate Fighting has been heavily optimized for mobile devices, and you can experience mechanics such as blocking, grappling, counterattacking, and chaining attacks together to form "combos" during combat.
Whether you love Kung Fu, martial arts, Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Karate or Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, you can find the corresponding Champions in the Ultimate Fighting.

■Training Mode:
Each hero has unique skills and moves, and the training mode allows you to continuously improve your operating skills. Becoming a fighting master is just around the corner.

■Arcade Mode:
Choose one of your heroes to defeat 8 random opponents one by one. Note: Heroes can only be challenged once a day, the more heroes there are, the greater the chance.

■Challenge Mode:
Gradually challenge the levels, and the opponents at each level will become stronger and stronger. Only by continuously improving your heroes can you go further.

■Global PVP Model:
The whole world is divided into various rooms according to geographical regions. You can choose a room according to your own strength. If you pay a certain amount of gold coins to win, you can get double rewards and get additional special lottery tickets.

■Hero Rank Up:
Use lottery tickets to draw special hero fragment rewards, which can be used to improve your hero's ability and make it stronger!

If you have any questions and suggestions, you can give feedback through the in-game feedback page or Facebook page.

☎Contact US:
facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UltimateFightingX
Oxirgi yangilanish
12-avg, 2024

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Support android 14.