Crazy 8 - Friends Card Party

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Play Crazy 8 with friends right from your phone! Are your virtual uno game buddies not available? You can enjoy tons of offline mobile card games too!

When you’re ready, start winning coins in online multiplayer games as you find Crazy 8 players worldwide. There’s no need to unlock any of the features to connect with uno friends either!

You won't have to find a deck of cards when you have a Card Party night with your buddies. You can download Crazy 8 and play cards with friends online on your devices.

Crazy Eights Features:
- Join and play with millions of great uno players worldwide!
- Quick, virtual card games.
- Exciting mobile gameplay and interface.
- Play online card games or offline against the computer.
- 2 - 4 player card games.
- Play your own music in the background!

The goal of the Crazy 8 is similar to the uno card game: be the first to discard all of your cards. To start, play a card with either the same color or number as the last card that was played. When a player has placed their last card, the game is over.

Play cards with a twist:
+2 Cards: Gives your opponent 2 more playing cards.
Skip: Skips over a player so that they lose their next turn.
Reverse: Changes the direction of players.
Wild: Lets you choose a color of your choice. It can be played at any time - lay it down and choose the color!
Wild +4: Same as the wild card but gives an opponent 4 extra playing cards.

Searching for 3 player games online? In Crazy Eights you don’t have to find groups of 4 uno players! You can easily find card game groups that love to go wild as much as you do!

You can go wild in this virtual card game as you build a paradise island, unlock exciting new maps, and make your way to the leaderboard! Download now to enjoy a card party with uno friends and family online or offline. Be the ultimate Crazy 8 hero!
Oxirgi yangilanish
5-sen, 2024

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