Lines & Puzzles - Five in row

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Rediscover Tic Tac Toe like games with the first and only app to include more than 200* unique puzzles, multitouch and cool themes.

Play standard Tic Tac Toe, non-gravitational Four in a Line or Freestyle Gomoku in cool boards up to 15x15 made of wood, chalk (noughts and crosses), sand, neon glow lights and even Halloween pumpkins featuring multitouch scale and pan.

Tease your brain accepting the challenge and solve 200+ unique and carefully designed game riddles that will test your skills while progressively learning the common winning techniques and strategies in Tic Tac Toe and Gomoku. In riddles, you play an ongoing match against the artificial intelligence (AI) and have to win in less than the given amount of moves (Tic Tac Toe is of course trivial, but try five in a row -Gomoku- for a real challenge). You will soon discover the key of this game: playing the perfect moves leads to victory no matter the opponent. Try them out, they get more challenging and fun as you progress.

Of course, the game features all the stuff you would expect in a high quality release: nice artificial intelligence, statistics, unlimited undo, phones and tablets support (from low-resolution to Full HD devices), portrait and landscape orientation, app to SD, very small memory footprint and so on.

* PLEASE NOTE, this app features a one-time in-app purchase to enable Premium features and unlock all puzzles. However, you can play about a hundred puzzles and all the normal modes against the computer or other local player for free and without ads.
Oxirgi yangilanish
22-avg, 2023

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