My Doll House Room Cleaning

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Welcome to play My Doll House Room Cleaning Game where you have to perform different tasks like cleaning and decoration. Play this pretend my doll house decoration and become the best cleaner of the mansion in home decorating games. You have to complete all the given tasks like design, cleaning the room & decor your home without taking any help from your mommy. The little doll house is very dirty. Beautiful mansions needs a professional home cleaner who has an experience of house organizer of cleaning & repairing. Use all of your house cleaning tools like sponge, washing mob, and vacuum cleaner to clean dirt of this mansion in designing game for girls.

My Doll House Room Cleaning & decorating is a makeover game for girls, where they can learn and perform many daily life routine. After completing the house cleaning task your next tasks is to decorate your dollhouse in the given time. So, let’s design & décor every room of your doll house in the category of designing games to improve management skills of house keeper. In this Messy Doll Mansion Cleaning game you also have to find the hidden item and make a professional architect plan in order to manage the design. Play this exciting home cleanup game 2022 and keep your house neat and clean. Enjoy the most awaiting gameplay of mansion cleaning game & complete different decor activities in this Doll House Room Cleaning Game.
Oxirgi yangilanish
22-avg, 2024

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