Kids Math IQ

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Looking for an app that can help your child to improve their Mathematics? Here is your solution. Kids Math IQ is an app with lots of features that your child can learn Mathematics with fun.
Your kids will enjoy learning using our Kids Math IQ App. Kids can absorb new knowledge & remember easily in a friendly way and grow his/her knowledge using this application. Everything your child needs to start their early education is here in a fun.
Kids Math IQ app includes Quiz, Test, Practice, Duel, Test, and Time. So, Kids can select how they want to learn and can set their milestones. Kids can also select Easy, Medium, or hard levels. Our Kids Math IQ app is suitable for children in kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade, or 6th grade, and of course, any teenager or adult who is interested in training their brain and improving their math skills!
Our Kids Math IQ app includes in-app purchases and ads.

1. Play – Kids can learn (Addition/Subtraction/Multiplications/Division) by filling answers in the textbox
2. Practice – Kids can learn (Addition/Subtraction/Multiplications/Division) by selecting the correct answer from the multiple options
3. Quiz – Kids can learn (Addition/Subtraction/Multiplications/Division) by answering the questions
4. Duel - Kids can learn (Addition/Subtraction/Multiplications/Division) with their friend
5. Test - Kids can learn (Addition/Subtraction/Multiplications/Division) and can select is the given answer is True or False
6. Time - Kids can learn (Addition/Subtraction/Multiplications/Division) by giving correct answer in a given time
Oxirgi yangilanish
29-iyl, 2024

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