Nice Puzzle Games Bundle

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Nice Puzzle Games is a puzzle games bundles to train your brain and concentration, also for your relaxation; Nice Puzzle Games contain Schulte Grid game, Sudoku Puzzle game, Jigsaw Puzzle game, One Line Link Dots game, One Line Fill Blocks game, and Press & Jump game.

🔥 Nice Puzzle Games bundle contain 6 interesting puzzle games:
1. Schulte Grid game:
You need to find all the numbers in order as quick as possible, starting from "1"

2. Sudoku Puzzle game:
A Sudoku puzzle begins with a grid in which some of the numbers are already in place. A completed puzzle is one where each number from 1 to 9 appears only once in each of the 9 rows, columns and blocks.

3. Jigsaw Puzzle game:
Put the picture's pieces together to make a complete picture, it has 3 difficulty level: 16 pieces, 36 pieces, 64 pieces

4. One Line Link Dots game:
Pass through all the dots in one line

5. One Line Fill Blocks game:
Fill all the block in one time without lifting your finger

6. Press & Jump game:
Press the screen, and release to let cylinder jump onto the block

❤️ Hope you will enjoy these Nice Puzzle Games bundle !
Oxirgi yangilanish
27-avg, 2024

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