Get the top cryptocurrencies from nearly anywhere
Buy, sell, send, or receive Bitcoin (BTC), Tether (USDT), Ethereum (ETH), and USD Coin (USDC) directly to and from your free Paxful wallet.
Why people-powered money wins
- Support for all major payment methods. Users can buy and sell cryptocurrency using 450 payment methods, with or without a bank account, including via gift cards, debit and credit cards, bank transfers, and online wallets.
- Support for +100 currencies across more than 140 countries
- Users can buy Bitcoin, USDT, ETH, and USDC with no fees
- Industry-lowest rates for crypto sellers. Only 1% fee on all payment methods, including gift cards
- Direct peer-to-peer trades, with no banks or intermediaries, and full control over deal terms
- Institutional-grade security and cryptocurrency custody at every part of the trade
Popular features
- Free and secure ERC-20 and Bitcoin wallet with institutional-grade custody for every Paxful user
- Dedicated marketplace moderation & escrow to keep users safe and trades fair
- Attentive 24/7 customer support with quick and simple dispute resolution
- Professionally-run & compliant US-based business with a proven track record since 2018
- Support for fast & cheap Lighting Network Bitcoin transactions
- Direct Buy for instant cryptocurrency purchases right from your Paxful wallet
What can you do from the Paxful App
- Send money instantly and affordably from nearly anywhere, to anyone
- Hedge against local currency inflation
- Buy and sell gift cards at competitive rates
- Invest in BTC, ETH, and other top cryptocurrencies
- Earn profits for providing marketplace liquidity as an arbitrager
- Scale your business by accepting global payments* Due to licensing and/or regulatory considerations, Paxful is not available in certain countries and in certain US states. Please refer to this page for further information.
* Due to licensing and/or regulatory considerations, Paxful is not available in certain countries and in certain US states. Please refer to our 'Unsupported Countries and States' page ( for further information.
Oxirgi yangilanish
25-noy, 2024