Idle Museum Tycoon: Art Empire

Reklamalar mavjudIlova ichida xaridlar
66,9 ming ta sharh
5 mln+
Yoshga oid cheklov

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The goal of this fun tycoon game is to construct, repair, and manage an entire Museum. Art, Culture, and History is your business! You need to administer exhibitions of all kinds to attract visitors to see and contemplate the most incredible art and history collections of all time!

Manage and optimize resources like a business management simulator game and build now your art empire! Start with a small gallery, get visitors into the Museum, sell tickets to earn money, invest your earnings to buy new sets of cool art collections, and build more themed galleries!

You will be in charge of building, repairing, and leading installations from contemporary art, pop art, modern art and classic art, where you will show paintings and sculptures made by famous artists and the greatest minds! How about showing the best Leonardo da Vinci works in your renaissance gallery?

It’s not only about art, the Museum is also about history and science! Bring to your Jurassic exhibition the greatest dinosaur findings, like a triceratops fossil or the mighty tyrannosaurus rex! You may want to build a gallery to show relics from Egypt, Greece or China, artifacts from ancient civilizations like the Aztecs and Mayans, and show off all kinds of historical pieces from around the world.

How about traveling to outer space? Your guests can while visiting the Space gallery, presenting the greatest achievements in astronomy! Beyond space probes, rockets, satellites, space suits, space crafts, and all other flight technology made by humanity, the visitors can also learn about planets, stars and galaxies!

This Museum can be huge with your help and the visitors can also explore the ocean world! Yes, you can manage exhibitions of the wonders of the seas. Sharks, whales, prehistoric fishes and underwater monsters!

As a supervisor, it is your job to take care of all the big and small tasks to keep the business running and the profits coming! To help with that, this idle game also offers a cool Trivia game with lots of cultural quizzes to play! Test your knowledge on different topics like Art, History, Culture, Middle Age, Ancient Civilizations, Music, Science, and get prizes to help you improve the Museum.

Enjoy this tycoon game and renovate a Museum to become the richest businessman in town!

- Easy to play and hard to master.
- Upgrade your exhibitions by collecting more stuff for the gallery!
- Win prizes by answering cool trivia games!
- Manage resources to maximize money income and build new attractions!
- Hire tour guides and managers to improve your profits.
- Tons of exhibits to manage: Renaissance, Jurassic, Contemporary art, Egypt, Space, Mesoamerica, Greek and Roman art, Medieval, Asia, Modern art, Africa, Pop art, Nordic history, and much more to come like musical instruments, exhibitions of cars and airplanes!
- Collect rare artifacts and expensive relics!
- Real-time 3D graphics!

Expand your Museum and become the richest art tycoon of all time!

Have a problem? Want to suggest a cool new feature? Send your feedback to Pixodust Games. We love to hear from our players! [email protected]

Be sure to check for updates. We're always working on ways of improving gameplay and adding new features!

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27-avg, 2024

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Bu ilova tashqi hamkorlarga quyidagi turdagi maʼlumotlarini ulashishi mumkin
Moliyaviy axborot, Ilova tarixi va yana 2 ta
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Moliyaviy axborot, Ilova tarixi va yana 2 ta
Maʼlumotlar uzatish vaqtida shifrlanadi
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+ Improvements and Bug Fixes.

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