Surgery Simulator Doctor Game

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Hi, Doctor! There is an emergency, and we urgently require your expertise to handle the case. Please proceed to the emergency room swiftly to diagnose, operate, and provide care to your patients, ensuring their return to a healthy life!

Explore engaging hospital doctor game that aligns with your preferences. Immerse yourself in Dr. Surgeon games and discover offline hospital games 2024.

FROLICS proudly presents Doctor Games 2024 featuring an eye surgeon simulator with hospital game features. Assume the role of an emergency doctor, performing eye surgery simulations in offline surgeon games. Save lives as an emergency doctor in Clinic Games 2024, treating patients with a warm smile. If you are inclined towards exploring offline surgery games, you might enjoy surgeon doctor games where the rescue doctor remains calm in the Operation Theater while performing plastic surgery. Provide an exciting open-heart surgery experience by conducting heart transplants in hospital simulator dentist games.

Throat Department: Hospital Doctor Game
Conduct throat surgery following the specified procedures. Alleviate discomfort for patients experiencing issues in the tonsils, larynx, thyroid, tongue, and uvula region.

Heart Department: Doctor Hospital Game
Perform open-heart surgery, including coronary bypass, aneurysm repair, valve fixing, ventricular system repair, and graft surgery to save the life of your heart patient.

Optics Department: Hospital Doctor Game
In optics, conduct eye surgeries and perform transplants. Run tests to ensure optimal vision.

Dental Department: Hospital Doctor Game
Perform root canals, repair old, and place new braces. Correct misplaced jaw bones, conduct procedures on veneers and give your patients a radiant smile.

Emergency Operation in ER Doctor Clinic:
In offline surgery games, execute every process required in an emergency doctor's clinic. An emergency ambulance transports the patient to the hospital, mirroring scenarios in other free doctor games 2024. The heart doctor conducts a checkup, providing first aid in emergency doctor surgery games. For critical heart operations, move the patient to the operation theater at high risk to save a life.

How to Play Doctor Hospital Games?
Before open-heart surgery, conduct a pulse rate test in Dr. Games' care clinic. Prepare the ER doctor's room in hospital games with medical injections and surgical instruments. Exercise caution during heart surgery in doctor simulator surgeon games in health care medical games. In hospital games, prevent heart patients from going into a frozen state and handle emergencies like a rescue hero in a hospital simulator. During heart surgery in doctor games, replace the heart, ensuring it's not damaged. Use a BP-checking device in one of the hospital games. Operate as an expert heart surgeon, mark and cut for surgery in heart doctor games. Avoid damaging the stomach and lungs in fun doctor games. Expose the heart and clogged veins; if the heart is damaged, replace it after surgery.

Heart Surgery Management: Offline Games
Play surgeon hospital games, performing operations to save lives. In offline surgery games, doctors use instruments for heart surgery like laser machines. While performing operations in emergency doctor games, gain knowledge about real heart surgery applied in hospital simulator surgeon games. Experience excitement in doctor simulator medicine games and learn a lot about surgery in care clinic doctor game. By playing doctor hospital games, you will understand the procedures required before operating and develop valuable doctor simulator skills.

Departments in Doctor Surgery Game:
Master Heart Doctor is featured in offline medical games. This is one of the offline surgery games that you can play without an internet connection.

ER Doctor Games Features:
- Realistic graphics of the crazy doctor game
- Easy to play but difficult to master
- Attractive music and in-game sound effects
Oxirgi yangilanish
9-okt, 2024

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1fona yulduzga ham arziniddi maslahatim koʻchirmala👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎1mbga ham arzimidi
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Nima yangiliklar

Doctor Surgery game updated for better user experience
Bug solved that caused some users to stick
Work done for smoothness on low end devices
Surgery simulator games play made smooth
Sound improvements
Added a few new levels
Doctor games size optimised
GUI enhancements
We are always for feedback from our users about our doctor games experience, please provide your feedback for further improvements