Tabla Drum Music Instrument

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Rhythm with Tabla & Tanpura is an innovative app that lets you sing or practice songs anywhere, anytime. Just select the taal and sing along with the rhythm. Its a handy tool for every singer, composer or a dancer. The beats have the flavour of real tabla and tanpura, giving an Indian classical feeling.

The additional musical instruments provided around the tabla help create a soothing musical harmony! Create magical sounds with Free Classical Tabla!

Become a tabla master withClassical Tabla Free! Play different tabla beats with a just touch on your phone screen. Now you don’t need to buy an expensive tabla, just download Classical Tabla Free for free on your phone and start playing!

Whether you're already a dab hand or a tabla novice but have always wanted to learn, this app will help you live the dream! Introducing TABLA: the best and most comprehensive app of its kind on Google Play.

The New Real Tabla is a widely popular South Asian percussion instrument used in the classical, popular and religious music of the northern Indian subcontinent
New Real Tabla music instrument is a great.Tabla is most traditonal insturments used for weddings, festivals and for entertainment purpose at any time.
20th century, and remains in use in India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka. The name tabla likely comes from tabl

Tabla is a Hindu's percussion music instrument and it also known as darbukkah, darbouka and dumbak. Real Tabla is a complete free android application. Easy to use interface, makes you tabla master by letting you play different tabla beats with your touch on the screen. With additional music and effects for complementing your creation.

The beat counter helps to sing or practice with ease. The vibration with every beat adds an added layer of sense while singing. We like to make things simple, hence controlling the volume of tabla and tanpura can be done with the help of a single slider, same goes for the tempo.

It has Different Background music instrument and have (12) more bols or tool for you an desi drum pad also like real experience here.It has complete percussion real tabla an amazing vibration for real fill High definition sounds system.One of Top Tabla free App

Real Tabla is a complete free android application. Easy to use interface, makes you tabla master by letting you play different tabla beats with your touch on the screen.

The beat counter helps to sing or practice with ease. The vibration with every beat adds an added layer of sense while singing. We like to make things simple, hence controlling the volume of tabla and tanpura can be done with the help of a single slider, same goes for the tempo.

Ideal for anyone who wants to study or play percussion without making too much noise or taking up too much space.


1.Multi touch and quick responsive.
2.A real indian Tabla set
3.Many realistic sound samples
4.Works for all screen resolutions - Phones and Tablets (HD)
5.Easy to Record tabla music
6.Easy to Rename recordings
Oxirgi yangilanish
23-avg, 2024

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