Baby Panda Happy Clean

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12,8 ming ta sharh
10 mln+
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The doll is dirty! Let’s help! Can you clean the dirty bike? [Happy Clean], makes tidying up fun and exciting!

Follow the creative process to clean the doll and make it better than new! Once that’s finished let’s see what else needs to be cleaned!

There are stinky clothes, dirty bikes, and messy kitchens that need to be cleaned!
Let’s go! Be a happy cleaning hero and save the day!

Each item has its own unique cleaning process!
Playing through [Happy Clean] helps teach kids about how mommy and daddy clean many household items.
Most importantly [Happy Clean] makes cleaning fun and exciting!

Product content:

[Washing clothes]
From dirty clothes to neat wardrobe, kids can have fun washing clothes playing through [Happy Clean] with unique gameplay, cute characters, and realistic clothing!

[Cleaning the bike]
The old bike looks dirty now, but kids can learn about how to reuse and repair old toys by playing through [Happy Clean]’s bike shop.
Make something personal and new! It’s a great chance for your kid to get creative!

[Washing dishes]
There are plenty of things to wash in the kitchen! Kids can practice healthy habits as they learn about how to clean things like a baby bottle, a wok, and other kitchen items! [Happy Clean] makes the routine fun and magical for kids!

Product characteristics:
1. Help your child develop tidy habits!
2. Make cleaning fun!
3. The game is easy to learn, even younger children can play!

About BabyBus
At BabyBus, we dedicate ourselves to sparking kids' creativity, imagination and curiosity,and designing our products through the kids' perspective to help them explore the world on their own.

Now BabyBus offers a wide variety of products, videos and other educational content for over 400 million fans from ages 0-8 around the world! We have released over 200 children's educational apps, over 2500 episodes of nursery rhymes and animations of various themes spanning the Health, Language, Society, Science, Art and other fields.

Contact us: [email protected]
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Oxirgi yangilanish
25-noy, 2024
Android, Windows

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Tashqi hamkorlarga hech qanday axborot ulashilmagan
Dastur ishlab chiquvchilar axborot ulashilishini qanday aytishi haqida batafsil
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Google Play “Butun oila uchun” dasturi qoidalariga amal qiladi

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