Spotprompt is a sophisticated location reminder application that reminds you to perform tasks based on your current location and time. We all have experienced situations where by, you want to perform some task, when you get to a certain place and we end up forgetting. With this app, you simply set up a reminder and the phone will remind you to perform the task when you are in the right place at the right time.
Spotprompt also allows you to send a reminder or a location to a friend.This comes in handy if you want to remind a friend to get an item when they reach a certain location.
Here a list of some functions performed by spotprompt
Trigger alarm when you get to a location
Trigger alarm when you leave a location
Add locations (one can attach an image)
Send Locations to friends
Send Secret Message (Only shown to your friend when they get to a place)
Add image associated with location (this help your friends recognize the location easily)
View existing saved locations on a map
Add a reminder based on the location (one can attach an image to the reminder)
Send a reminder to a friend
View existing reminders
Add friends from your phone book (you will be able to send each other locations,reminders etc)
Set friend capability level (depending on the level when a friend sends a reminder it can be save automatically or it can wait for you approval)
Add groups
Add friends to groups (you can send location, reminder etc to many)
Add a schedule e.g All Mondays, All Week, On Monday between 7:00 am to 1:00 pm etc
Send a schedule to a friend
Add Actions e.g Set active radius, Notification, ring, send SMS, make Call etc (this are actions done when alarm is triggered)
Send Action to friend
keyword geo reminder, spot prompt, location based alarm, location alarm
Oxirgi yangilanish
26-sen, 2021