Weather Dial - Watch face

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Bring nature’s beauty to your wrist with the Weather Dial watch face for Wear OS! Designed for functionality and style, this watch face offers dynamic weather-inspired backgrounds that change automatically based on the weather conditions, along with a sporty aesthetic and 4 customizable complications to suit your daily needs.


🌦️ Dynamic Weather Backgrounds: Experience stunning visuals that update automatically to reflect current weather conditions.

⚙️ 4 Custom Complications: Add the data you care about most, such as steps, battery, or shortcuts, for instant access at a glance.

⏱️ 12/24 hrs supported (along with blinking dot effect)

📅 Quick App Shortcuts:

* Tap the Day or Date to open your Calendar app.
* Tap the Time to launch the Alarm app.
* Tap the Heart Rate to access the Heart Rate app.
* Tap the Temperature to open Settings.

🚀 Invisible Steps Shortcut: Customize the steps area to launch your favorite app with a simple tap.

Designed to be both functional and battery-friendly, Weather Dial is perfect for users who want a watch face that blends style, utility, and nature-inspired visuals seamlessly.

Download Weather Dial today and transform your Wear OS smartwatch into a dynamic, nature-inspired masterpiece!
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-dek, 2024

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