Word Search Wear

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#1 Word Search game for watch with Wear OS!

At the bus stop and with nothing to do? Take the opportunity to play with your watch with Wear OS looking for words in this word search.

Waiting for your friends who are late? Play a word search game without the need to take out your mobile phone, you can access it directly from the watch with Wear OS!

For watch, this is the trial version of the full game "Word Search Wear Premium (All categories unlocked)". You can test the game on the watch with Wear OS through the animal theme.

The game for watch is simpler due to its reduced size (5x5 or 6x6 board). The words, according to the level, can appear horizontally, vertically, diagonally and in reverse order. Also, different words can use the same letter. As it is a game designed for watch, only words of 5 or less letters will be used. Keep this in mind for the hard level.

The words are available in English and Spanish! Fast and easy. You wear it in your wrist!
Oxirgi yangilanish
24-iyl, 2024

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