TunyStones Guitar - read music

Ilova ichida xaridlar
1 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov

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The TunyStones Guitar app is created by music educators for guitar teachers and their students (kids, but also grown-ups!).

- Works with any guitar
- Supports music lessons and guitar teachers
- Motivates guitar pupils in their practice time at home (especially children love it!)
- Teaches music reading from scratch - no previous knowledge required!
- Enhances creativity with reading, composition and improvisation features
- Allows you to compose your own music
- Turns music reading into a great adventure and your guitar into a “game-controller”
- This science-based, smart and easy to handle app automatically adjusts to different learning types/speeds
- Includes introduction levels to provide a general understanding for music notation
- No video tutorials and no language knowledge required! The game is fully nonverbal: simply start playing and you will easily understand how to read music, while playing, having fun and enjoying the great design of the app!

- Popular tunes, songs and melodies, like “Happy Birthday to you”, “Twinkle, Twinkle little Star” and many others
- Specially conceived Music Reading Exercises for the guitar
- 126 levels and the possibility to create your own levels and compositions!

How it works:
- Place your tablet or smartphone in front of your guitar
- Meet Tuny, the main character of the game, whose movements you control with your guitar sounds
- The guitar is now your game-controller: play sounds and Tuny will move accordingly
- Have fun: swim along rivers, cross rapids, jump on stones and enjoy the great landscapes!
- Without even noticing your kids, students or you yourself will progress and learn how to read music very quickly!

Try it for free with a 7-day free trial and then subscribe to with a monthly or annual subscription - support your kids’ music education!
Are you a music teacher? If yes, you are entitled to use the totally free teachers’ access. Enjoy using TunyStones in your lessons!

TunyStones Guitar is a widely tested, science-based method and app developed by music educators at the Hochschule für Musik FHNW and the Music Academy in Basel, Switzerland.

It is produced by the Swiss MusicLab GmbH.

We are always striving to improve your playtime and efficiency to learn the piano. Please simply contact us with any questions, feedback or suggestions!
Learn with Tuny, have fun and enjoy to learn and teach the piano!

Contact: [email protected]
Oxirgi yangilanish
7-avg, 2024

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Joylashuv, Men haqimda va Ilova axboroti va unumdorlik
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Free access for music teachers
Bug fixes

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Dasturchi haqida
Swiss MusicLab GmbH
Müllheimerstrasse 61 4057 Basel Switzerland
+41 76 264 50 15

Swiss MusicLab – boshqa ilovalar