NXV81 Scenery Plus Watch Face

Yoshga oid cheklov

Bu ilova haqida

If you need help with installation please visit:
[For Wear OS devices]

Mountain scenery themed watch face with text color customization and custom complication.

• 7 background scenery options (long tap watch face to customize)
• 7 time text color options
• Steps display
• Heart rate
• Day & date
• Gyro effect for background
• Custom complication (long tap to customize)
• Battery percentage interactive display
• Always on mode

Steps for correct installation.

Always make sure your watch is paired to your phone when installing.
Pairing with Wi-Fi works best. You must also use the same Gmail account for Play store purchase and watch device.

When it says "installing soon" please wait at least 5 minutes then check your watch to see if installation is complete.

Another option is to install directly from your watch.
Go to Play store app on your watch and search the watch face name "NXV81" then try to install directly from your watch.

Please note you will only get charged once even if you attempt to download again if you are using same Gmail account.

Visit web page for more watch faces here:
Installation issues are not developer related, please before leaving negative rating contact us via email so we can help you.

Email: [email protected]
Oxirgi yangilanish
2-avg, 2024

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