S4U Monterey analog watch face

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This is a Wear OS Watch Face app. Its supporting only smartwatch devices which are running with WEAR OS API 30+. For example: Samsung Galaxy Watch 4, Samsung Galaxy Watch 5, Samsung Galaxy Watch 6, Samsung Galaxy Watch 7 and some more.

If you have problems with the installation or download, even though you have a compatible smartwatch, open the supplied companion app and follow the instructions under Install/Problems. Alternatively, write me an e-mail to: [email protected]

The S4U Monterey is another ultra realistic analog watch face. The design is specifically for people looking for a sporty yet elegant design.

- ultra-realistic analog dial
- multiple customization options
- 2 editable complications (change value)
- 5 individual shortcuts (reach your favorite app/widget with just one click)
- hard or soft border (especially for smartwatch owners without a physical border)

Detailed summary:

Display in the left area:
+ Battery status 0-100%

Display in the lower area:
+ Step counter (multiply the analog value with 1000)

Display in upper area:
+ analog heart rate measurement

Display in the right area:
+ date (day, weekday, month)

AOD (Always On mode):
+ AOD color corresponds to the secondary hand color
+ 5 different AOD Layouts
+ 3 different AOD Brightness Level

Note: AOD colors are intentionally kept dark to save battery.
Also remember that the watch itself dynamically adjusts the brightness independently of the watch face to prevent burn-in.

Design adjustments:
1. Press and hold finger on the watch display.
2. Press the button "customize".
3. Swipe left or right to switch between the different customizable objects.
4. Swipe up or down to change the colors of the items.
Possible options: Background (9 different option), Date background color (10 colors), Index color (9), Dials color (9), Index numbers style (6), Secondary hand colors = AOD (10), Index dials black (on, off), Border shadow (4)

Heart rate measurement (Version 1.0.8):
The heart rate measurement has been changed. (Previously manual, now automatic). Set the measurement interval in the watch's health settings (Watch Setting > Health).

Some models may not fully support the features offered.

Setting up app shortcuts and custom complications:
1. Press and hold the watch display.
2. Push the customize button.
3. Swipe from right to left until you reach the "complications".
4. 5 app shortcuts and 2 custom complications are highlighted. Click on them to make the desired settings.

That's it. :)
I would appreciate any feedback on the play store.

Check out my social media to stay up to date:

Website: https://www.s4u-watches.com.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/matze_styles4you/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/styles4you
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/styles4you-watches
X (Twitter): https://x.com/MStyles4you
Oxirgi yangilanish
17-okt, 2024

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Nima yangiliklar

Version (1.1.4) - Watch Face
A problem with the heart rate display for the Pixel Watch 2/3 on Wear OS 5 has been fixed.