Simplex - YELE | watch face

Yoshga oid cheklov

Bu ilova haqida

**New Update : Now supports latest devices like Galaxy watch Ultra, Galaxy watch 7

Simplex - YELE is a clean and simple watch face with modern design that looks stunning on your wrist.
Simplex - YELE watch face features:
Digital Time with date, week, and month
Steps, Heart Rate and Battery information
Original and trendy design
8 interactions (1.Tap on week or date to open calendar, 2.Tap on HR slot to open Heart Rate app, 3.Tap on battery slot to open Battery status, 4.Tap on time to open alarm app, 5. customizable complications (see screenshots provided for reference))

Note: This watch face supports all Wear OS devices with API Level 28+

Check out my other watch faces: /store/apps/dev?id=5810365278874970516

For any suggestions and complaints please contact me.
Oxirgi yangilanish
6-avg, 2024

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