Horse and Pony jigsaw puzzles

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50 ming+
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Does your little girl or boy absolutely love horse games? Then this is the perfect jigsaw puzzle for them!

Beautiful horses, unicorns and adorable foals that your child dreams about can now be on their phone or tablet screen and they can learn while having loads of fun! For every completed puzzle there´s a fun, cool reward to pop!

Puzzles help improve your kids visual memory, shape and color recognition, motor skills and coordination. This game can be adapted to your child current skill level by choosing different puzzles sizes or difficulties.


- 22 fun, challenging and adorable puzzles
- Fun rewards to pop for each completed puzzle!
- Challenge yourself with 9 different puzzle sizes 6, 9, 12, 16, 20, 30, 56, 72 and 100 pieces and 3 different puzzle backgrounds
- Easy, relaxing and playful gameplay suitable for children from age 3 and up
- Simple to use! Easy to use interface so also the youngest kids can play!
- A mind improving game! Practicing cognitive skills, hand-eye coordination, memory, logical thinking and visual perception
Oxirgi yangilanish
22-okt, 2024

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Various bug fixes and improvements