Sudoku - Classic Logic Puzzles

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Love puzzle solving games? Looking for Sudoku free puzzles? Then, welcome our free Block Sudoku game! We took the classics of the Sudoku original and reimagine it to become both an easy Sudoku game and quite the challenge for even the toughest gamers in the world! The app runs without the Internet, so you can play Sudoku offline.

Keep your brain sharp!

This puzzle game applies the rules of Sudoku Original. The objective is to fill a Sudoku 9×9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 subgrids that compose the grid (also called "boxes", "blocks", or "regions") contains all of the digits from 1 to 9. As in all puzzle solving games of this kind, in this Block Sudoku, you will find a partially completed grid, which for a well-posed puzzle has a single solution.

★Game Features

  • The Sudoku puzzles game consists of four levels: easy Sudoku, medium Sudoku, hard Sudoku and the impossible!

  • Pencil Mode - Turn on/ off pencil mode as you like

  • Selected cell highlighting

  • Intelligent Hints - guide you through the numbers when you get stuck

  • Themes - Choose the theme that makes it easier for your eyes

  • Tablet support for larger screen games; to help up your gaming experience and convenience.

Play Sudoku offline

When you download the free Sudoku puzzles game, you will be able to take your favorite Super Sudoku game with you wherever you go. Play even without the Internet!

Train your brain

Enjoy 5000+ challenging daily Sudoku free puzzles and get your brain trained. And get 100 new free Sudoku games every new day.

You can exercise your brain by playing the easy level of the daily Sudoku puzzles. All while getting your brain thinking logically and increasing your memory activeness.

For a newbie and for a pro

Whether you've progressed to expert difficulty or you are just solving your first Sudoku puzzles, you will surely find what you need!

If you are a newbie, our free features will help you a lot to start and master the game: auto-check, hints, and highlight duplicates. You will learn Sudoku techniques with our app very quickly. Just remember, each Sudoku has the only solution.

If you are a pro, choose the hardcore level and disable all the hints. Challenge yourself and find out whether you can do this!

So, install our free Sudoku games and play Sudoku offline anywhere, and anytime! Select any level of your choice and enjoy easy Sudoku free puzzles or take the challenge of the hardest puzzle solving games (and this is still for free!)!

Oxirgi yangilanish
14-may, 2024

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