Sudoku ā€“ Classic Sudoku Puzzle

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Classic Sudoku PuzzleĀ is a relaxing and addictiveĀ Brain SudokuĀ puzzle game on Google Play. You can download the Sudoku app for yourĀ Android phone and tablet. You getĀ 2000+Ā challenging Sudoku puzzles everyday toĀ train your brain & keep your brain active for a healthy life. Brain Sudoku offers various difficulty levels that suit both beginners and advanced players! Each Sudoku has onlyĀ one true solution. Classic Sudoku is right the puzzle game for your brain, logical training, memory, and a great way to relax!

Classic Sudoku is a logic-based number puzzle game and the goal is to place 1 to 9 digit numbers into each grid cell so that each number can only appear once in each row, each column and each mini-grid. Also known as Sodoku, this brain puzzle game can help keep your mind sharp and healthy.

Key Features
āœ“Sudoku puzzles come in 4 difficulty levels - easy Sudoku, medium Sudoku, hard Sudoku and expert Sudoku! Perfect for both Sudoku beginners and advanced players!
āœ“Collect points to earn trophies. So far, only 1% of the players have reached the Grand Master level. How far can you go?
āœ“Pencil Mode - Turn on / turn off pencil mode as you like.
āœ“Highlight Duplicates - to avoid repeating numbers in a row, column and block.
āœ“Intelligent Hints - guide you through the numbers when you get stuck
āœ“Themes - Choose the theme that makes it easier for your eyes.
āœ“Long press to fill quickly

On this Brain Sudoku app, you are also able to
āœ“Turn on/ off sound effects
āœ“Turn on/ off Highlight identical numbers
āœ“Auto remove notes from all columns, rows and blocks once the number is placed
āœ“Unlimited undo & redo
āœ“Auto-save - Pause the game and resume the game without losing any progress
āœ“Sudoku online & Sudoku offline

You may also find the following Brain Sudoku features useful
āœ“Use dark mode to protect your eyes
āœ“Turn on/ turn off timer when you play the sudoku puzzle
āœ“Fun types of Sudoku puzzles, like Killer sudoku, letter Sudoku, will be available.
āœ“Good gameplay
āœ“Intuitive interface
āœ“Easy tools, easy control
āœ“Clear layout

Our Sudoku puzzle app has an intuitive interface, easy control, clear layout and well balanced difficulty levels for beginners and advanced Sudoku players. Itā€™s not only a good time killer but also helps you think, makes you more logical and improves your memory.

You can play the game offline without Wifi. Thereā€™s no time pressure, so take as much time as you need. However, the faster and more accurately you solve the Sudoku puzzle, the higher points you will get.

This is the soduku app for soduko lovers. If you like to play soduku game, you should download the sodoku game app. We offer 4 difficulty levels. We add 100 suduko puzzles every week. Download now and play sudoko everyday.

Oxirgi yangilanish
9-avg, 2024

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