Vlad and Niki: Car Games

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Love car racing games?
This game is for all young fans of cool cars! In our app, your kid can create their own unique car, which will overcome all the obstacles on the road!

There is always something to do in Vlad and Niki's universe. In one app, your child can become a fearless racecar driver and a cool musician! Create unique drawings and do fun puzzles!

This fascinating game is suitable for children 4 years old and up! Your kid will never be bored, because we have multiple games in one app: car games, puzzles, and coloring games!

Features of the app:
- Play as your favorite hero
- Each level is unique - with its own task and mechanics
- Choose from a variety of high-speed cars and customize it: you can choose the type of car, its coloring, pick up different stickers, futuristic wheels, make a cover with gadgets, motors, lights
- Paint or improve your car in the garage
- Add interesting stickers to the car
- Enjoy driving in different locations
- Collect puzzles with your favorite heroes
- Draw and color Vlad and Nicky's costume in the coloring books and watch as this character transforms into 3d and dances
- Create your own musical band
- Do a lot of interesting tasks.
- Explore exciting adventures – in "Vlad and Niki: Car Games", kids can drive an ambulance, fire truck, or even a moto across thrilling adventure levels. Each ride is filled with fun challenges and riddles that will keep children entertained.
- Interactive logic puzzles and escape challenges – the game features logic puzzles and escape missions, where kids solve fun riddles using critical thinking. These interactive games are great for stimulating young minds and building problem-solving skills.
- Race in a world of fun vehicles – choose from various vehicles, including a police car, moto, monster truck, or ambulance and customize them with cool accessories. The game's driving simulator gives players the chance to master each vehicle's wheels as they tackle exciting races.
- Creative games and music – the app offers creative games, music games and jigsaw puzzle activities. Kids can also play musical instruments and enjoy endless fun creating music while exploring a colorful world of adventures.
- Designed for preschool kids, the game is perfect for games for 3-4 years old as well as older children. Each game and level presents new challenges and logical tasks, making it an enjoyable learning experience for everyone.

This is the official app from the Vlad and Nicky channel. More than two million people have already played our machines.

Create unique cars and enjoy driving them.
Oxirgi yangilanish
3-avg, 2024

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