Ricoh Printer

100 ming+
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Features of Ricoh Printer
* Ricoh Printer allows users to do Print, Copy, Scan, change settings, and see status of the printer from smart devices.

Copy function
* You can execute Copy by selecting parameters such as resolution and paper size.

Scan function
* You can select parameters such as resolution and save scanned file to your smart phone.
* The files that are scanned with a MFP can be saved in you smart phone in PDF or JPEG file.

Print function
* You can print photos and documents stored in your smart phone
* Documents and photos in your smart phone can be printed from a MFP
* You can select parameters such as paper size and print density and print photos in JPEG, PNG, BMP format and files in TXT, PDF format.

Machine Settings
* You can set Wi-Fi, IP address, and also access point using Soft AP mode
* You can change password and sleep time.
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-fev, 2017

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