Makeover Triple Match 3D

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100 ming+
Yoshga oid cheklov

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Welcome to Makeover Triple Match 3D! Explore characters' stories, embark on a makeover project journey, and dive into dress up and makeup fun.

Embark on a thrilling adventure filled with love stories and makeover merge excitement. Whether you're a fashionista or a puzzle enthusiast, this game offers endless entertainment. Enjoy the unique combination of tile match and family style elements, making this game perfect for all ages.

Makeover Triple Match 3D Features:

● Love Stories and DRAMA: Follow heartwarming narratives filled with drama and make decisions that shape your story.
● Makeover Challenge: Transform characters with stunning outfits and makeup.
● Triple Match 3D Matching Game: Experience a unique blend of makeover and solve puzzles to unlock new fashion items.
● Fashion Journey: Explore different styles and trends as you progress.
● Dress Up: Choose from a vast wardrobe to create the perfect look.
● Makeup: Apply gorgeous makeup to complete your transformation.
● 3D Puzzle Game: Enjoy immersive and challenging puzzle gameplay.
● Makeover Merge & Fashion: Combine items to create extraordinary fashion pieces.

Witness the incredible transformation journey of each character as they conquer challenges and become fashion icons. Download now and embark on your fabulous adventure, becoming the ultimate stylist!
Oxirgi yangilanish
20-sen, 2024

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