My City : My Friend's House

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39,2 ming ta sharh
10 mln+
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Welcome to My City: My Friend's House where you get to create your own stories, pretend-play exciting adventures and so much more!

My City: My Friend's house is filled with lots of new characters, fun rooms and locations and lots of interactable accessories just ready for you to discover, explore and pretend-play with. Make sure to check out the Kids Room and Babies Room. Sit with your friends to watch a movie at the Cinema & Arcade Room or throw a wild pool party at the Garden, the options are endless! With so many fun locations to explore and so many new characters there are no limits to the stories you can play out!

Over 100 million kids have played our games world wide!

Creative Games Kids Love to Play

Think of this game as a fully interactive dollhouse in which you can touch and interact with almost every object you see. With fun characters and highly detailed locations, kids can role-play by creating and playing out their own stories.

Easy enough for a 3-year old to play with, exciting enough for a 9-year old to enjoy!

Game features:
- This game has 8 new locations for kids to explore, role-play and layout their own stories.
- Look for the hidden Cinema & Arcade Room and visit your friend's cozy family Caravan!
- 20 Characters included in this game, feel free to take them to other games. The options are endless!
- Play as you want, stress-free games, Extremely high playability.
- Kids Safe. No 3rd party Ads and IAP. Pay once and get free updates forever.
- Connects with other My City games: All My City games connect together allowing kids to share characters between our games.

More Games, More Story Options, More Fun.

Age group 4-12:
Easy enough for 4 year olds to play and super exciting for 12 year to enjoy.

Play Together:
We support multi touch so kids can play together with friends and family on the same screen!

We love making children games, if you like what we do and want to send us ideas and suggestions for our next games of My City you can do so here:

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Oxirgi yangilanish
24-iyl, 2024

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This update includes bug fixes and updated systems. Sorry for any inconvenience! Enjoy the game!