Sports Car Driving Game

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100 ming+
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Driving a sports car might seem like an easy task but only professionals know how complex it can be, are you up for the challenge of your life? Start by going into the garage where you can pick one of the available cars. Here you can also modify your vehicles to your liking: change things like color, patterns, performance, wheels, and so many others. After you are done with the customization process choose between the two game modes: career or free ride. While in career mode you will have to start with level 1 and progress with time. Make sure to pass each level to progress.

First things first: put on your seatbelt, safety is very important! On the bottom left side of the screen, there are two arrows: these are used to control the steering wheel. There are other options such as buttons for turning on and off your headlights, brakes, and controlling the gearbox. Also, in the top right corner, you can see how fast you are going. After you complete the level, you will be rewarded with a certain number of coins that can be used to upgrade your car. If you are feeling a bit more adventurous you can pick the other game mode: free ride. Start by putting on your seat belt once again. Drive up and down the streets as you please but make sure you are avoiding the other drivers. While in free ride mode do not forget to swing by checkpoints for your progress to be saved. Press the brakes whenever you want to slow down and turn on the blinkers whenever you decide to make a turn. Check out the garage: after earning enough coins, buy the car of your dreams and make any changes if necessary. Now it will finally be time for you to claim the rewards right after you finish this dangerous ride. Discover new landscapes, routes, and levels by tuning in daily.

Some of the features that are included:
* Free ride mode
* Unlock new vehicles
* The opportunity to level up
* Customize your cars
* Rewards for each ride
* Amazing graphics
* Checkpoints are available
* Experience driving a sports car
Oxirgi yangilanish
14-avg, 2024

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