歡迎來到 Trivia Crack World,這是第一個隨處可見的沉浸式問答體驗!與來自世界各地的人們聯繫,參加多平台多人比賽,並在您的行動裝置、桌面裝置或 VR 裝置上探索 3D 公園,以滿足您對知識的渴望! Trivia Crack World 提供了廣泛的類別,每個類別都有數千個問題。由於多平台支持,無論您在哪裡玩,都可以玩小遊戲、發現新知識、探索沉浸式 3D 知識世界,享受競爭的快感! Trivia Crack World 的主要特點:
We have some exciting updates! Now you can interact with our characters through daily questions. Speak with them, discover their voices, and answer fun, challenging questions. Don't miss this immersive experience—start playing today!