- 豐富的單人戰役,遊戲共有3個難度210關,不斷挑戰具有高難度的敵人
- 逼真&震撼的遊戲畫面讓你身臨其境,整齊的軍營,肅穆的城堡和讓人熱血沸騰的競技場
- 直觀易懂的觸屏控制。招架,格擋,閃避,必殺技和QTE等通過滑動屏幕即可實現,多種戰鬥技巧可以讓你體驗不同的戰鬥套路,雖然上手很簡單,但要成為高手仍需要長時間的磨練
- 遊戲人物可以獲得武器,盾牌,盔甲,頭盔和寶石,並可以自定義搭配寶石和技能,讓你的角色更強大
- 合成稀世寶石,同類寶石可以合成更高級的寶石,幫助你戰勝邪惡的勢力
- 豐富的任務及成就係統
Mortal Blade, the only authentic 3D sword fighter game, puts the power, intensity, and raw emotion of adrenaline-fueled visceral fighting in the palm of your hand.
From the breathtaking visuals to the spectacular swordplay, Mortal Blade embodies action role-playing at its finest. This game lets you equip your character with countless lethal weapons and rare armor sets. Crush your enemies, humiliate demon bosses, and be the god king! With no limits to how much you can play, there’s always another fight just around the corner.
Game Features:
- Cinematic sights and sounds in 200+ challenging levels
- Intuitive controls: swipe on the screen to attack, dodge and block
- Customize you hero with epic swords, shields, armor, helmets and gems