John L
2020,0910看似可以用在三星watch 3內,其實衹是用在手機上,藍牙連線後手錶上衹可看見(開/關/暫停,及少少資料)如祇開gps沒有網絡,就等同(麵包屑)路線...不知身在何處,如要離線地圖,就要付款.... Android 機本身有免費的Google map,如感覺山野資訊不夠,還有免費的ViewRanger及免費的離線地圖
Asamm Software, s. r. o.
Hi John,
this is the page of Locus Map Free, Android phone/tablet app, not Locus Map Watch which is just an external addon monitoring and controlling the main app running on the phone. We offer free maps - three offline vector LoMaps with offline POIs and addresses plus many other online maps that can be downloaded for free. Michal, Locus team