ForestMobile speeds up the collection of field data in the field, replacing the paper file fill and typing task with just a few touches on your tablet screen. Ideal for inventories of planted and native forests, in the pre-cut, continuous, audit, forestry and bucket modes, as well as other customizable notes.
ForestMobile includes:
• File reading of Service Orders (.opt), with pre-registration of parcels, trees (Continuous, Audit and Cubing) and validation and consistency rules;
• Maps for navigation and location of parcels (GoToPlot);
• Viewing .SHP files;
• Collection of traditional information such as: DAP (1 or 2 measures) or CAP and height;
• Two additional customizable fields (Ex: Pruning height, canopy base height, first branch height, number of logs, etc.);
• Selection of multiple quality codes with up to 8 secondary levels;
• Customizable validation rules by quality code for the recording of the trees and completion of the plots;
• Collection of cube data with absolute and, or relative, sections along the shaft;
• Customization of types and units of measure, decimal places, quality codes, among others;
Important: For the complete reading of the collected information it is necessary to have FlorExel - Collection of data licensed on your computer. See OpTimber for more information.
Compatible with Android 4.2 or higher; better if used with screens of 5.5 "or larger; we recommend 7 '' screens.