The only worst part about this is... When it got ads you just have to waste time to skip it but when you turn off your Wi-Fi.. The game won't play you play but when I first thought about this game I think it was an offline game because it's a cool game to play and taking off depressed or boringness. Soo. When will it updated until it's an offline game?
36 people found this review helpful
blah “Jesbus Chrast” blah
Don't waste your time, another classic ad watching simulator. To be honest though I wouldn't even redownload it if they completely took the ads away for free, let alone paying for it. This app is disguised as a game to try and get you to download it so it can fire off an ad in the first 30 seconds before you uninstall it. If you're foolish enough to keep playing it'll keep throwing ads at you every 30 seconds like clockwork. 0 Stars, this app should be taken down tbh.
2 people found this review helpful
There is absolutely zero way voodoo made this horrible cash grab. With the ad revenue alone since release they could easily outsource better devs to make a better version of this game. The collection system sucks, often throwing away hundreds of voxels because they fly off or go to the wrong side of the screen, the fuel system is stupid and should just let us exit once we're done considering the length limitation already there, and if the fuel thing is going to exist make it recharge. (Ltd revw)
5 people found this review helpful