"Mystery of Dreams 1: The Call of the Guardians" is a magical and engaging educational game, designed for 1st year elementary school students. In this first chapter of the series, children are called upon to uncover the secrets of the Guardians of Dreams and protect the dream world from mysterious dangers.
The Dream World is a magical place where all things lost in the real world end up. It is there where our fears arise and where all legends and fairy tales originate. But this fantastic place is in danger! Called to solve mysterious disappearances, children become Guardians of Dreams and embark on a great and unforgettable adventure.
Developed in accordance with the MEC National Curricular Guidelines for Portuguese Language, Mathematics, Human and Natural Sciences, the game is a powerful tool for consolidating essential concepts while entertaining young players. Each episode challenges children to read, write, count, order, classify, recognize the diversity of the environment and living beings, identify human actions that threaten the environment, in addition to recognizing significant attitudes of care and preservation.
There are 32 episodes full of challenges, where children are invited to learn through play. The game is available for tablets (iOS and Android) and PC, ensuring accessibility and fun anywhere.
MDS 1: Call of the Guardians is a perfect combination of education and adventure, encouraging children to become protectors of the dream world while learning fundamental concepts for their academic and personal development.