"Mystery of Dreams 2: The Power Machine" continues the educational saga for students in the 2nd year of Elementary School, taking children on a new adventure full of mysteries and learning.
In the Dream World, the Power Machine is a legendary artifact that can transform realities. But this machine is in danger, and it is up to the Guardians of Dreams to discover its secrets and save it. On this journey, children face challenges that combine learning and fun, developing essential skills for their growth.
This game was developed in accordance with the MEC National Curricular Guidelines, covering concepts of Portuguese Language, Mathematics, Human and Natural Sciences. Kids will learn to read, write, count, order, classify and more, all while exploring the Dream World and protecting the Power Machine.
With 32 episodes full of educational challenges, children are invited to recognize the diversity of the environment and living beings, identify human actions that threaten the environment, recognize attitudes of care and preservation and identify instruments for marking time and historical records.
Available for tablets (iOS and Android) and PC, MDS 2: The Power Machine offers an enriching and accessible educational experience, encouraging children to learn through play as they adventure through a fascinating story.