Assalamu'alaikum everyone.
The following is information regarding the PROPHET STORY QUIZ Game.
The Prophet's Story Quiz will invite you to hone your memory and understanding of the extent of your knowledge of our Prophet.
Of the 25 prophets that we must know, we don't know much about the story.
From each level, there will be general questions about the story of the Prophet. To be able to answer it, you need to choose the available letters until the answer column is fully filled in accordance with the correct answer. If your answer is wrong, you will not be able to proceed to the next level.
Each level that has been passed will give you points.
If you find it difficult at a certain level, there is a help menu that will make it easier for you to answer. That help menu will take your points.
Levels will continue to increase / update over time.
Through this game, we will both learn to know and open our horizons that there are still stories of prophets that we don't know.
This game can be used for:
- Filling empty time
- Sharpen Memory
- Increase knowledge
- Media for Tests on a lesson
- Guessing with friends
- Assignments to the School
- Ice Breaking
- Intermezzo
- crossword clue
- Puzzle Games
- and others that match your mood.
Give feedback, criticism, suggestions, constructive comments about this application or for developers so that we can save each other's rewards for all of us in the future
Happy Playing, Good Luck
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb