This application helps you to pass the driving exams through all series of driving education in Morocco without the net with the explanation. driving law
Teaching driving in Morocco 40 series has become easy and fast with the rules and lessons of teaching Al-Bairmi in Morocco, a game with the correction code Karim
A driver's license, permit, or permit is an official document that allows its holder to drive a car (or truck, or bus) or a motorcycle. In some countries, the license is issued after the recipient passes a driving exam, and in other countries the person obtains it before beginning to learn to drive. There are many sections for vacations that define the holder by the type of car that can be driven. For example, in Morocco there are class C, class D, class C, class motorcycle, truck, bus and car.
This program teaches you the meaning of stopping and parking violations, safety belt, traffic lights, technical examination, the right of precedence, friendly inspection, all signs and documents, and how to deal with transportation and vehicles.
We hope that the application receives your satisfaction and we thank you for downloading it for reference, as it is suitable for all phones, a new and light version