"Deplatform Game" is a playful-educational project aimed at girls, boys and adolescents between 8 and 14 years old, based on platform and sandbox games, and whose objective is to develop critical thinking and prevent digital gender violence and sexist behaviors and sexists in Social Networks, and more specifically in the field of video games. This is an initiative devised and developed by PantallasAmigas integrated into the SIC-SPAIN 3.0 Project. It is aimed at adolescent students and their families.
The game mechanics are inspired by traditional platform and sandbox games, while including questions related to the topics to be discussed.
On the one hand, the player must complete up to six screens avoiding obstacles, jumping, climbing... He must advance destroying and avoiding attackers who send violent messages and block his path, and can collect those that create a good environment to get points. They represent the barrage of content and messages of all kinds that we receive through video games, social networks and messaging platforms, wherever we are. And, metaphorically, make those who are harmful disappear and promote a positive cyber coexistence.
On the other hand, although construction elements have been placed on the stage that allow progress, the player will be able to obtain more elements and use them wherever they consider they need them.
The use of the App is free, as well as access to the Didactic Guide. To do so, you need to request an unlock key at: www.deplatformgame.com