Unit 75 is an Augmented reality game, developed on the initiative of the Taskforce-RIEC Brabant-Zeeland. A partnership between municipalities, police, public prosecution and tax authorities in tackling subversive crime in Noord-Brabant and Zeeland.
Unit 75 is a serious game. The game teaches players the importance of reporting suspicious situations. Undermining crime is the mixing of the underworld and the upper world. Visible, but difficult to see if you don't think about it. Through this game we teach the players to do this. Here the players experience a story that has to do with subversive crime. Via the app, players signal suspicious situations in a city or village. The suspicious situations are visible in the Augmented reality objects that appear. Each AR object contains a game, puzzle or cryptic clue.
The game is only available to players in municipalities selected by the Taskforce-RIEC Brabant-Zeeland.