A Monster Calls

ยท Bolinda ยท ื‘ืงืจื™ื™ื ื•ืช ืฉืœ Patrick Ness ื•-Jason Isaacs
13 ื‘ื™ืงื•ืจื•ืช
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Costa Award winner and Guardian Prize winning author, Patrick Ness delivers an extraordinarily moving novel about coming to terms with loss. The monster showed up after midnight. As they do. But it isnโ€™t the monster Conorโ€™s been expecting. Heโ€™s been expecting the one from his nightmare, the one heโ€™s had nearly every night since his mother started her treatments, the one with the darkness and the wind and the screaming... This monster is something different though. Something ancient, something wild. And it wants the most dangerous thing of all from Conor. It wants the truth.

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Born in Virginia and raised in both Hawaii and the state of Washington, Patrick Ness is the British-American author of seven novels and a short-story collection. He has won the Carnegie Medal twice, The Guardian Childrenโ€™s Fiction Prize, and the Costa Childrenโ€™s Book Award. In 2012 his bestselling novel A Monster Calls became the first ever to win both the Kate Greenaway and Carnegie Medals. His books are published in more than 20 languages. He has lived in London for more than 20 years.

BAFTA and Golden Globe-nominated Jason Isaacs is one of Britainโ€™s most talented and versatile actors. He is probably best-known as the villain Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter films but has been starring in film, television and theatre around the world for 35 years. Movie appearances include The Patriot, Black Hawk Down, Armageddon, Event Horizon, The Death of Stalin and Mrs Harris Goes to Paris. On television he captained a spaceship in Star Trek: Discovery, jumped dimensions in The OA and saved the day in Case Histories. His many voices have been heard in hundreds of video games, TV series and animated movies.

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ืขื•ื“ ืžืืช Patrick Nessโ€

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