Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar - Your Brain's Silent Killers by David Perlmutter - Book Summary - Abbey Beathan
(Disclaimer: This is NOT the original book.)
Get ready to be blown away by foods that you thought were docile but are actually harming you.
The truth must be heard. Carbs are actually harming you. And don't throw bad carbs under the bus and leave them with all the blame, healthy ones (whole grains, for example) also do the same damage. They are able to cause dementia, chronic headaches, depression, anxiety and so on. In a detailed explanation, Dr Perlmutter let us know how carbs are harming us. Knowledge is power and when it's about something as important as our health, immediate action is necessary.
(Note: This summary is wholly written and published by Abbey Beathan. It is not affiliated with the original author in any way)
"The simple act of moving your body will do more for your brain than any riddle, math equation, mystery book, or even thinking itself." - David Perlmutter
Grain Brain is not all about the dark side of carbs and how much it affects us. It also tells us how we can do something about it. This book gives us an in-depth look on how to take control of our "smart genes" through diet choices and new healthy habits that we should have to cure the worst illnesses that we can fall victim to without any medication.
A 30-day plan to reprogram your genetics in order to take control of your well-being and generate positive results for your future!