In The Big Four, Agatha Christie brings Hercule Poirot into one of his most thrilling and dangerous adventures. This captivating audiobook follows the world-renowned detective as he faces off against a formidable international crime syndicate known as "The Big Four." With his trusted companion, Captain Hastings, by his side, Poirot must untangle a web of conspiracy that spans across the globe.
The story begins when a mysterious visitor arrives at Poirot’s doorstep, dying before he can reveal crucial information. What follows is a fast-paced series of events involving a secret organization bent on world domination, a missing scientist, and a list of high-profile assassinations. The Big Four—four shadowy figures with unparalleled power and influence—will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, and only Poirot's genius can prevent catastrophe.
Agatha Christie’s The Big Four blends mystery, espionage, and action into an exciting and suspenseful tale that keeps listeners on the edge of their seats. As Poirot uses his little grey cells to match wits with a powerful and elusive enemy, the stakes couldn’t be higher.
Narrated with intensity and intrigue, this audiobook brings Poirot’s battle against one of his most dangerous adversaries to life. It’s perfect for both long-time Christie fans and newcomers who crave a gripping detective story.
Start Listening to The Big Four today and join Hercule Poirot as he takes on a global conspiracy with consequences that could shake the world.