Charisma is a gift from God which some people give possess, according to the prevailing wisdom in culture, by which they won't be classified under ordinary people but rather regarded as exceptional or extraordinary persons. Charismatic leadership is heterogeneous and may be political, financial, or religious. Charisma is something about a person's personality. Personal magnetism is pure charisma.
Charisma can be acquired by any person against normative wisdom, which prevails in society. Charisma is often deemed a trait. The characteristic is the inner character of intelligence, strength, etc., close to humans. Traits such as intelligence are not innate, but charisma is an extraordinary trait. Charisma is inborn in all but differing proportions. Many leaders such as JFK, Bill Clinton are born with an extraordinary charm that they are known as gifted. Charisma parameters are communication skills, taking risks, being authentic, etc. A person can develop all those characters, which in turn enhances a person's charisma. Charisma depends on the perception of people according to the Attribution theory. A person is charismatic if he feels charismatic, and only if people do. For some people, Steve Jobs was contradictory, but for some, he's charismatic, it reveals the charisma of a person depending on the setting in which he lives. When people need a character and leader embody the character, then the character is called charismatic.
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