"Philosophy and Transcendence" is a captivating exploration of the life and works of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, a Renaissance philosopher whose ideas challenged the traditional views of his time. This book delves deep into Pico's transformative power of knowledge and his belief in personal and spiritual growth, and how these ideas influenced his works on philosophy, theology, and mysticism. Through a comprehensive analysis of his major works such as "Oration on the Dignity of Man" and "900 Theses," the reader will be taken on a journey of intellectual discovery, exploring Pico's views on the human condition, the role of God in the universe, and the transformative power of knowledge. With its engaging prose and insightful analysis, "Philosophy and Transcendence" is a must-read for anyone interested in the Renaissance period and the evolution of philosophical thought.
Alfonso Borello has written drama, thrillers, travel diaries, biographies and essays on history, religion, philosophy, psychology, evolution, cosmos, revolutionaries, inventors, and numerous books in foreign languages and on language learning in Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Cebuano and Thai. Other works include children books, illustrated series, graphic novels, and the Italian Reader application.